Thursday, May 5, 2011

He writes the best stories

We are living a really awesome life. You know how people always say "I don't want to brag..." but then they do brag? Well I want to brag. I want to brag about my awesome Father God. He is so amazing. I want to brag about the story He has written for my family. I want to brag about how good He is and that He LOVES me and KNOWS me and sees my needs each day and meets them. I want to brag about knowing God. And being a child of God because my life is so completely incredible and He is worth bragging about because He is my life and He has made my story and my families story into what it is today.

"I will extol You, my God, O King; and I will bless your name forever and ever- with grateful, affectionate praise. Every day with its new reasons will I bless You- affectionately and gratefully praise You; yes I will praise your name forever and ever. Great is the Lord and highly to be praised , and His greatness is so vast and deep as to be unsearchable"

God is just so good. We really don't have any new news here except just to tell you to get to know Him. Trust your lives to Him. Let Him take you wherever He wants to take you. Get off your butts and give yourselves over! Its the BEST thing you could EVER EVER EVER say Yes to!

We love Him. His peace and His love are covering us and changing us and growing us and making us into the best possible versions of ourselves.

So all I wanted to write here were praises to our Father. We praise you God! You're so worth it! You're so worth all of our honor and praise and worship to you. You are beautiful and perfect in all of you ways and we love the way you do everything. We love your decrees we love your commands, we love your law and we love your character all of who you are is good and we bless you.

As for updates: our family is doing so well. We are walking in the delight and peace of the Lord. We are so rich. And so full. We are still unemployed and living on top of our friends townhouse. And we are still reaping the fruit of knowing Jesus:) Isn't that all that matters? We're rich. We don't have much, but we have it all. We've found contentment in this place. We're practicing not worrying because its stupid and pointless and gets us no where. Instead of worrying we pray. And guess what? it WORKS. Philippians 4:6 says don't worry about anything, instead pray. We are so free and so excited about this adventure. There are so many pieces of the puzzle missing, but we are growing in God which is far more valuable to us than our possessions ( which are all still in NY:) then security in our bank accounts, far better then knowing our future or having a plan for tomorrow. He has a plan, and we walk with Him!

We love you all and are grateful for you and your prayers over our family. You are apart of our story, your prayers are being lifted up and you are partnering with the Father to write the greatest adventure for us! Thank you!

Trust God, today. Stop waiting until you have what you need to trust Him. If you have Him, you have what you need. Just give up on waiting to be ready, or rich, or perfect, have a job, more this or that. And just give yourself to Him for whatever He wants. Its so much better!

We love you and bless you and your families as well.



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