Saturday, September 10, 2011

His goodness

Have you ever tried to see everything in your life as God's goodness?

Like literally, every day, no matter what the season, step outside of the situation and hold firm on the word that says "He works out all things for the GOOD of those who love God and live according to His purposes" (Romans 8:28). Don't be confused with my statements, the scripture doesn't say all things that happen to you are good if you love God and live according to His purposes, it says He works them out for good.

Scott and I have really been trying to live by the truth of this verse for the past two years. We've hit some dark times, that are not good by any means. There was nothing good about losing our first son in May. Nothing good or Godly about giving birth to a baby that is not living. And we were really challenged by this concept of stepping out of the situation, and calling out our Father as good. And repeating this verse over and over, reminding our hearts and minds that somehow some way God WILL work this out for good. And that is just one out of many "not good" (in our perspective of what is good at least) circumstances we've had in our family this season.  Can we ever fully know how it will work out for good? Sure, why not. God is our friend:) Will we ever know? Maybe not, but we've chosen Him therefore we've chosen to focus on Him no matter what comes our way. Our family motto is to focus on God's goodness. If we focus on His goodness, we don't always NEED answers. Its great to have them, its awesome to have revelation on the whys. But when our focus is Him, we can face pain with our eyes up knowing that His love will cover us. We don't have to find answers to soothe us and comfort us for our distress. We only need to come to the Father. His burden really is light.

I love the scripture in Habakkuk 3 that says "though the fig tree does not blossom and there is no fruit on the vines...though the flock is cut off from the fold and there are not cattle in the stalls, YET I will rejoice in the Lord; I will exult in the victorious God of my Salvation!"

David wrote many Psalms on the reality of His suffering and crying out to His God, wondering if God was there or if He heard Him. And here in Habakkuk the prophet is saying, these things happen. Even to people that serve God. There is nothing wrong with you if you face hardship. Suffering does not mean He has lifted His grace from you. The bible is filled with songs of suffering, from people of GREAT MIRACULOUS faith.

We've no formula for how to face difficulty. The only thing we know is God and His justice and love shining over us as banners. Won't you join us in glorifying Him? More than your circumstances? More than your fears and worries and pains?

Those are just a few insights into our every day conversations. I really have the best husband possible for me. He leads me to God. He encourages me to find Him in all things. And not to focus on what is temporary or fleeting. But what is eternal. And WHO is my King. I love learning with Scott and growing in this area of just loving Jesus more. Getting our focus off of ourselves and onto the everlasting one. I'm proud to have such a faithful leader as my husband, and such a faithful lover of the King.

As far as testimonies go, how about I begin to share an awesome one? :) Hopefully Scott can fill in more in another post.

Scott has been studying web design and since moving to Fort Mill really felt Holy Spirit leading him more and more into times of study and discussion with other W.D.'s in our area. Well sure enough, God opened up an opportunity for Scott to have FULL TIME work in the area of web-design. No applications, no job hunts, no daily interviews or postings of resumes on job websites each day. None of which are bad things by any means! The Lord gave Scott some excellent teaching through one of his best friends and founder of a web design company called Dreamstar. And Brian Feister (Director and manager) has given Scott a wonderful opportunity to be taken on full time as kind of a paid internship. He has such confidence in Scott's ability to grow quickly in this field and has really given our family and awesome opportunity and blessing. Thanks Brian and Liz! You guys have sown into us so much and we pray God will use us to give back to you for all you've done!

Its hard to believe some days, that we've been here for 7 months with no income. And now within a matter of weeks God has opened up this full time work in something Scott really feels called to and something he fully enjoys. He is currently working days and studying nights so that he can learn really quickly and get more work. Please pray for my husband and encourage him when you get the chance. He is really making huge sacrifices for our family an he continues to spend a couple nights out of the week alone with Selah while I am off at dance or teaching dance.  Also wakes up and takes care of her on his own some morning while I am out training for the half. And then stays up late hours to study. He has handled this transition with such grace and strength and my respect and adoration for him has grown tremendously. Please love on Scott and bless him. He is such a great man of God.

As always thanks for following. We love Jesus! And we love sharing His goodness with you all.

Blessings and favor from above