Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A new address:)

If you have ever seen or read Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a who you will remember that great moment when the whos shout from the tiny speck "WE ARE HERE, WE ARE HERE, WE ARE HERE!"

That's been our anthem for the passed 2 and a half weeks. We are here. We feel this overwhelming sense like we have to shout it from the rooftops to make sure that God and anyone that God may involve in our journey may be made aware of the fact that we are here and we are ready and willing for the next step.

Why does there have to be a next step though?

I think this is what we've been pondering since we've been here. Why can't we just be here? Isn't that enough. We just obeyed God and flew our 11 month old 3 suitcases a couple carry on's and...baby Swires # 2:) ...that's right, thought I'd just sneak that in there to make sure people are really reading. Anyway, we just flew all of these things to a whole different part of the Country, and did we do that in order to find out the next step? Or did we just do it as a step. A step that is good enough, with no next step in mind.

I guess it was both. But we are really learning that doing nothing is OK. Maybe not doing nothing, but rather not doing what we haven't heard God tell us to do. Which is what we usually do don't we?

OK all the dos and do nots are probably sounding confusing. Let me simplify.

Since moving to Fort Mill we have spent our days like this:

We slowly get up in the morning and bring Selah into our bed.
We watch Selah crawl around on the blankets and pillows and giggle and roll while crawling all over us sort of as a morning cuddle time and wake up ritual lately.
Then, we make breakfast.
I go for a run.
I return from my run, and we hang out with Selah.
Scott goes for a walk to MorningStar and smokes his pipe, and reads some books and studies his bible.
Scott returns from MorningStar.
We eat dinner.
We take a family walk.
We may watch a movie or spend time with our house mates.
We frequent the local grocery store and coffee shop for our "needs" :)
We sleep.
We repeat.

And while man may tell us there is a flaw in our schedule because we've not left ample time for job searching and looking for the next step. We feel intense peace. Peace like a river. That we are officially lost in. We are floating. Feeling weightless. Feeling like God has given us the greatest gift in this time and we don't want to mess it up. We don't want to over look this precious time together and assume that this time of rest is not in fact "the next step". We don't want to assume the position of the world and stick ourselves in quickly in order to find security and comfort in money and our own living space. Which is not a bad thing, we don't think its wrong to want or seek those things, but if you seek Him first, and He hasn't told you to seek those things yet, then we definitely think that's wrong. We don't live according to the ways of the world, but to the ways of the Kingdom. What affects and burdens the world, does not have power over us. Though the world may fear the state of the economy, our economy lies in Heaven, where there is never any lack.

Read Romans 8:5-8 below

5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.

The mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. We are truly in the midst of life and peace here. Not just saying it so we can believe it, but feeling it and seeing it and being it in a more true form than I feel I've ever experienced in my life. 

We've received many prophetic words since being here. One of which was given to us by a woman in the grocery store while we were looking for some burger paraphernalia. I was carrying Selah in the Ergo carrier (meaning she was in a baby carrier snuggled up against my chest) and the woman stopped me and asked if I was nursing. I told her not anymore, but that I did for 7 months (I'm proud of my 7 months!)...the woman just lit up and got so excited, and started speaking to Selah telling her that Mommy gave her such a healthy and wonderful start and that because I gave her that start she will have a healthy life. She then proceeded to tell Scott how I trusted him as a husband and how I looked up to him and loved him deeply, She then told us to continue to love one another and honor each other, and she ended the time with getting quite close to Scotts face making eye contact with him and blessing him and telling him that we must hold on to the word the Lord has given us and we are not to let go of it because it is good and it is true and it will come to prosper.

She said a lot of other wonderful things, really blessing Selah and blessing us as a family and giving some cool words of knowledge about how she could already see us working together as a family unit. Saying intimate things to us about the way we treat each other in our marriage that are really only seen in private so we knew she was speaking straight from God.

Another occurrence was at church last Sunday. As I've mentioned we are attending MorningStar for church and it has been an awesome experience both Sundays we've been here:) There is a great sense of freedom over the church, people spend time in worship painting, dancing, sitting, standing, kneeling. There is so much expression and our time there is so deep. We are really grateful to be challenged by the word each week, given a chance to connect with God and also a chance to receive ministry afterward. This week we had an awesome time getting some words from a small team of prophetic ministers in the church. They gave us a few words about our transition here, and how we will fall into place quickly, God has THE timing and THE place for our family and it is coming soon.

We've been encouraged, to say the least. We are dwelling amongst a lot of people who have had the same type of experience where God kind of asked them to just leave everything and move down here with no certainties except His word.

We have a lot of time to dialogue about what we see and feel like God is saying. We have time to connect as husband and wife, to open up to each other and work through things that we might have been stepping over in lieu of our transition and sort of stressful weeks leading up to moving. 

So I guess what we want you all to know, is we are doing well. We are enjoying the sunshine, reconnecting as a family, resting, and re-aligning. We feel God's presence, and we know He has called us here for something greater than we can imagine or dare to dream of.

We spent some time at the Solemn Assembly last Tuesday that MorningStar does once a month. It is a day of prayer, worship, and fasting from 8AM-8PM. While I was there this time I started to talk to God and heard Him so quickly and so sharply. I feel like you can hear Him and interact with Him so much easier in places where people are very open and willing to hear from God and where there have been generations and generations coming and worshiping Him and listening to Him (such as the campus at MorningStar). Anyway, I heard Him clearly say to me that what we are experiencing now is not even the tip of the ice burg.

Most people say, "this is just the tip of the ice burg!"

And the Lord said to me, this is not even the tip. This is barely even a sliver of the amazing destiny that I am bringing you and your family into in the years to come.

Our hearts are filled with excitement to serve a God that brings us on a journey that literally lasts a life time. And is always growing with us. We will never out grow our callings, we will constantly grow into them.

And one day, we will be giants:)

I am almost 3 months along in my pregnancy and feeling great. I'm experiencing little to no symptoms, which is really amazing. I had a really good pregnancy with Selah and although we prayed for it I didn't imagine that this one would be even better and it already has been! glory to glory:) Baby Swires #2 will be born this fall, sometime late September or early October. Keep mine and babies health in your prayers!

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